Partnering Parents and Educators together for student success

Vine Christian Academy is a local team of educators and passionate followers of Christ dedicated to guiding families on their homeschooling journey, making it an approachable and effective alternative to traditional education.

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homeschooling hybrid

Our homeschooling approach

Combines Structured Learning in Limited-Size Classes

Where students come together to learn and socialize while providing the academic tools for you and your child to have a successful homeschooling experience.

Our Director of Education has years of experience in traditional and homeschool education and partners directly with a board of parents to ensure our curriculum has the balance and flexibility our community expects with homeschooling. This partnership allows us to provide classes from Junior Kindergarten to 12th grade, where students participate in grade-level classes at one of our campus locations for two days each week, and then parents utilize our curriculum and lesson plans at home.

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Statement of Belief

We believe in one God existing in triune quality: the Father (God), The Holy Spirit, and the divine personhood of Jesus.

Collectively we see Jesus as the necessary sacrifice that makes way to personal relationship with God, and the covering of our sins through whom we gain eternal salvation. We honor Jesus not just for His God-in-flesh examples set forth in the Bible, but for His divine quality and nature that beckons us to live like Him: counter-culturally and authentically, embracing a community that honors His name and echos His heart.  We believe in the authority of the Bible and hope to intentionally study it, committing it to our hearts and minds, and honoring it as God’s letter to us - a place where we can find Him best.

We believe that biblical refinement for professing Christians comes within the relational qualities of walking through life in step with those He has placed within our community, and seek to humbly approve of this process together. We commit to raising our children in a way that will allow them to store up God’s word of Truth, teach them to honor and be obedient to His teachings, and train them to hear His voice above the noise that society may surround them with. We feel this is part of a larger calling to usher His Kingdom in here and now, and that the part we play, as parents in our homes, is one that will generationally add healing and health for the future of our faith.

God’s letter to us - a place where we can find Him best.
That we should remain in Him - to stay connected to Christ, at all cost.

The culture at vine

But then our question becomes: What does it look like to be connected to “the Vine”; to live closely in step with Him as our life source? We think we have a few ideas for the families at Vine: To be loved well. To be listened to. To have our family values upheld. To represent christ even in - and especially in - our conflict To go where He’d lead us To give what He’d ask of us To lean into our gifting and use them as acts of service To bless one another To “do everything in love” - and to let love lead.

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