We believe in one God existing in triune quality: the Father (God), The Holy Spirit, and the divine personhood of Jesus.

Our Beliefs

Collectively we see Jesus as the necessary sacrifice that makes way to personal relationship with God, and the covering of our sins through whom we gain eternal salvation. We honor Jesus not just for His God-in-flesh examples set forth in the Bible, but for His divine quality and nature that beckons us to live like Him: counter-culturally and authentically, embracing a community that honors His name and echos His heart.  We believe in the authority of the Bible and hope to intentionally study it, committing it to our hearts and minds, and honoring it as God’s letter to us - a place where we can find Him best.

We believe that biblical refinement for professing Christians comes within the relational qualities of walking through life in step with those He has placed within our community, and seek to humbly approve of this process together. We commit to raising our children in a way that will allow them to store up God’s word of Truth, teach them to honor and be obedient to His teachings, and train them to hear His voice above the noise that society may surround them with. We feel this is part of a larger calling to usher His Kingdom in here and now, and that the part we play, as parents in our homes, is one that will generationally add healing and health for the future of our faith.

Our Mission

To give opportunities for families to “hide God’s word in their hearts” and allow them the space to become His, in an authentic way: by engaging fellowship, discussion, and likeminded community as an offering each academic day. To give homeschooled students a campus setting that allows them to sit under different leadership styles, to hear different voices and have different expressions of God’s love as a living, tangible example of His provision within their own community.

To provide parents with the option of community with common goals, the ability to “do life” side by side, and grow in their own faith as they enrich the lives of their students. To send deep roots into the community, creating a space known for its service and love well beyond the four walls that our homes or classrooms have. To continually build one another up in love, and create a compelling offer of education that enhances each family and student we partner with. To see life as learning, and to see God as the ultimate educator of us all - submitting to Him first in all things, and partnering with Him for the students we love.

Our Values

We believe in the importance of a strong faith foundation and integrating biblical principles into every aspect of our curriculum.

We believe in lifelong learning and encourage our students to develop a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom.

We believe in fostering a community of fellowship and offer support, and accountability for families and students.

We believe in instilling in our students a passion for serving others and making a positive impact in the world.

At our organization, we believe that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about character formation and personal growth. We believe that every student is unique and has their own gifts, talents, and learning styles, and it is our mission to provide an education that meets each student's individual needs and helps them reach their full potential.