Collectively we see Jesus as the necessary sacrifice that makes way to personal relationship with God, and the covering of our sins through whom we gain eternal salvation. We honor Jesus not just for His God-in-flesh examples set forth in the Bible, but for His divine quality and nature that beckons us to live like Him: counter-culturally and authentically, embracing a community that honors His name and echos His heart. We believe in the authority of the Bible and hope to intentionally study it, committing it to our hearts and minds, and honoring it as God’s letter to us - a place where we can find Him best.
We believe that biblical refinement for professing Christians comes within the relational qualities of walking through life in step with those He has placed within our community, and seek to humbly approve of this process together. We commit to raising our children in a way that will allow them to store up God’s word of Truth, teach them to honor and be obedient to His teachings, and train them to hear His voice above the noise that society may surround them with. We feel this is part of a larger calling to usher His Kingdom in here and now, and that the part we play, as parents in our homes, is one that will generationally add healing and health for the future of our faith.