Spring Semester, 2023-2024


The goal of “conversational Christianity” is about sharing your faith not by proving you are right, but by loving as Jesus loved. In this course students will interact and engage with one another, while being mentored with practical ways to represent Jesus in real life. Students will talk through what the heart of the Father is for us sharing our faith, and ripen their wisdom/knowledge of His love so that they can stand well, share well, and represent Him to the society they are a part of.

Art: Masters and Moderns

Students will compare and contrast classic artists with modern-day artists, recreating pieces from both worlds. This course will come with additional materials fee set by the instructor. Content is engaging and interactive, week-to-week variety of all types of art set in a lighthearted classroom environment to cultivate additional love of art, whimsy, and fun.

*Applicable for elective credit

Conversational Spanish

Creating a practical environment for students to engage in conversation using a second language, this course will offer students scenarios and opportunities to refine one another as they lean into pronunciation and understanding of the Spanish language. This course may loosely follow a curriculum to bring further foundational skills for the students involved - but it does have a prerequisite of at least a concurrent or former Spanish course in order to enroll.

Cooking Level 1 & 2

Creating simple opportunities for students to learn confidence in the kitchen is the goal of this group. Everything from omelets to homemade macaroni and cheese - each “chef” will be encouraged to taste test, and add to their repertoire of recipes week to week. This course is designed to prepare students for adulthood in their own kitchen, and will emphasize moving toward independence.

- Level 1 covers kitchen safety and cooking skills.
- Level 2 includes more challenging recipes for those looking to expand their skill set in the kitchen!

*Applicable for elective credit - $20 supply fee

Garden by Design

Students will discover how we participate in God’s amazing creation as they observe His intricate design in companion planting, soil life, pollinators, and beautiful stinky compost. They will get their hands dirty in the garden as we start seeds, plant cover crops, test soil ph, and *hopefully* sample some of the fruits (or veggies) of our labor. 

*$15 supply fee


With an emphasis on foundational skills and physical education, kickboxing will be a one-hour hosted course that should energize and empower students to gain physical strength.

*Applicable for physical education credit


Creating a place for students to learn about lighting, composition, and focus, this photography course will require students to take shots and submit weekly, pushing one another further into the artistic process of photography. No camera required - a walk through of phone photos might be enough, but studying classic photographic art will be a part of the process!

*Applicable for elective credit

Worship Band

Students will learn what the heart of worship is, how to lead with confidence, and focus on practicing together as a group. Students in the class will lead chapels [along with potential guest leaders] for the upper grade campus as well as for the lower grade campus, potentially. Singing and instrumental skills will not be taught but rather cultivated to create a strong team foundation. This course will have the opportunity to engage in off campus activities such as Christmas events, parades or even community service areas in conjunction with other campus activities.

*Applicable for limited community service hours


Students will have fun learning techniques and developing their improv skills!

*Applicable for elective credit

Emotional & Mental Health

Students will learn how intricately related our mental, emotional, and physical health are to God's design for our wholeness. Students will learn tools and techniques for emotional and mental health.

This class is taught by a licensed therapist.

*Applicable for elective credit

Personal Finance

Students will learn how to budget for real life cost of living as they prepare for adulthood! This is a fun, interactive class where students create accurate budgets for real-life scenarios. Students will research different jobs they could potentially work at two different stages in life (19 yrs old and 25 yrs old) and use that income to budget for multiple living scenarios. Students will not only learn about working and spending money but also about saving and financial planning for the future. 

*Applicable for personal finance credit

Career Exploration

Each week, students will learn about a new career from a guest speaker. The guest will explain their job and what they do, what skill set is required, and how they ended up in that career. They will also advise on how they recommend pursuing a career in the same field, giving personal and practical tips. There will be a wide range of careers represented in this class, so hopefully, there is something that interests everybody!

Self Defense

This is an age-appropriate self-defense class teaching students how to de-escalate conflict verbally and physically and feel confident in protecting themselves. Students will learn skills such as disarming, blocking, breaking out of holds, restraining, and striking

*Applicable for physical education credit


Thanks to cell phones, we are all photographers now! This class will teach the artistic and technical sides of photography. Students will improve their photography and editing skills primarily on their cell phones. However, all concepts taught transfer over to whatever camera is used in photography.

*A cell phone and editing app will be required for this class

Marketing Writing

Students will learn how to creatively write to capture someone’s attention and convey a clear message with less than 400 words. Students will learn techniques and be given different prompts to respond to in class. 

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Enrollment Fee


Per Semester

* fees are non-refundable

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